sigma.x haptic device


3 active translations
3 active rotations
1 active grasping
sigma.7 haptic device With its unique 7 active degrees-of-freedom, the sigma.7 is the most advanced master haptic device ever designed by Force Dimension. Its end-effector covers the natural range of motion of the human hand and is compatible with bi-manual teleoperation console design. Its unique custom-designed actuators offer a very high level of forces and torques, making it the most accomplished master device available today. The combination of full gravity compensation and driftless calibration contributes to greater user comfort and accuracy. Conceived and manufactured in Switzerland, the sigma.7 is designed for demanding applications where performance and reliability are critical.

sigma.7 brochure

omega.x haptic devices


3 active translations
omega.3 haptic device Finely designed around a unique parallel kinematic structure the omega.3 has been optimized for high-end force feedback. Its great mechanical stiffness combined with its embedded fast USB 2.0 controller enables the rendering of high contact forces. Conceived and manufactured in Switzerland, the omega.3 is specifically designed for demanding applications where performance and reliability are critical.

omega.3 brochure

3 active translations
3 passive rotations
omega.6 haptic device The omega.6 is the most advanced pen-shaped force-feedback device available today. Built on the omega.3 base, its unique design provides perfect decoupling of translations and rotations which make it extremely ergonomical. The combination of full gravity compensation and driftless calibration contributes to greater user comfort, haptic transparency and accuracy.

omega.6 brochure

3 active translations
3 passive rotations
1 active grasping
omega.7 haptic device With its unique active grasping extension, the omega.7 is the most versatile haptic device ever conceived. Its end-effector covers the natural range of motion of the human hand and is compatible with bi-manual teleoperation console design. The unique design of the omega.x family of devices allows users to upgrade end-effectors depending on their application.

omega.7 brochure


delta.x haptic devices


3 active translations

delta.3 haptic device


The delta.3 is a high performance high precision force feedback interface based on the original delta manipulator. The interface offers 3 active degrees-of-freedom in translation and features a larger workspace than the omega.x devices. With its unique parallel mechanical design, the delta.3 can convey large continuous forces anywhere inside its workspace.

delta.3 brochure

3 active translations
3 active rotations
delta.6 haptic device
Built with the same meticulous care as its delta.3 counterpart, the delta.6 haptic device offers an active wrist extension with full force- and torque-feedback capabilities. Built with a modular architecture, the delta.x family of devices are highly accessible systems for developers who wish to extensively customize their device to best meet the specification of their application.

delta.6 brochure


medical haptic devices


medical haptics
tailored technology
Designed with technologies used is the aerospace industry, the omega.medical haptic device is the only commercially available FDA certified haptic interface built for medical robotics applications. Conceived to endure millions of cycles, the omega.medical haptic device has been specifically designed to comply with the highest engineering requirements in precision, safety and reliability. Manufactured in Switzerland, the omega.medical haptic device is currently integrated in the Sensei™ Robotic Catheter System from Hansen Medical.




haptic SDK
robotic SDK
SDK The Force Dimension SDK is the software interface for all Force Dimension products. It enables users to easily add and combine haptics and robotics capabilities to their application by hiding all the complexity of haptic device programming. With the Force Dimension SDK, programmers only need to add a few lines of C/C++ to their code to take full advantage of the Force Dimension haptic device high-fidelity force rendering.


VR framework
open source
CHAI 3D Conceived primarily for the Force Dimension families of haptic device, CHAI 3D is an open source software library for computer haptics, visualization and interactive real-time simulation. Written in C++, CHAI 3D has been designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications that combine 3D modeling with force-feedback rendering capabilities. Over the years CHAI 3D has been used in a large number of research and production projects, in such diverse areas as games, simulators, educational software, interactive art, scientific visualization, and medical applications.


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